The key ingredients to being rich


The starting point for success in any endeavour is to have a big goal, which leads to a collection of related goals. In my financial planning business, we start by asking our future clients what their goals are. We get answers such as: having a million dollars when I retire; paying off my house; being able to help my kids and grandkids to be comfortable. Few say, “I want to be rich beyond my wildest dreams.” It’s okay to have a goal like that, especially if you use that money to help others.

I use ‘rich’ to mean being so well off that you can easily meet your life goals. It implies you’re in an above average position, wealth-wise.

Some people have limited goals because they haven’t dared to conceive them. It might be too scary. They might think they can’t do much about it, so they simply work hard, save, buy a house and then see what happens. They’d do better with a financial plan that’s structured to make those undefined goals come true. That’s what I want for you.

You could learn to do it yourself or you might decide you need help. If that’s a big job for you to do, then find a trustworthy adviser. Good accountants, who get involved in a client’s business, become part of the support team that helps create great businesses and business owners/leaders.

Time to write it down

There’s an old saying: “if a goal isn’t written down, it’s not on the planet!”

I want you to clearly outline your goals: life, career, business, wealth, sporting, etc. Then write it all down. That’s right. Write down the goals and then draw up the plan to make it happen. But before that, I have to get you motivated, first to do the above and, second, to commit to the plan’s program.

Just do it!

You might look in the mirror and say: “I don’t look good. I’m overweight. I look soft and older than I am.” The next thought is critical. If it’s: “Oh well, I’m going to have to avoid mirrors!” then things have to change. But if it’s this: “I better get a dietician and a personal trainer”, then you’re going to change things.

To start the change process, you must write down your goals and then roughly set out a plan to make them happen. But ahead of that you have to work on your motivation first.


In a nutshell, those who are successful when it comes to making money do these things:

  • They look at themselves, their current attitudes to spending and savings.
  • They work out a plan to change themselves.
  • They work out their goals.
  • They write that goal-driven plan down.
  • They commit to achieving their written down plan.




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