Category: OPINION

Attitudes to avoid at work
Often our behaviours and responses happen on a subconscious level. However, implementing mindfulness about your attitudes at work can be the difference between positive and negative work relationships and experiences.>>

My best advice: Learn from legends
Peter Switzer reflects upon the legends he's interviewed over three decades and shares their insights and strategies.>>

12 steps to a better, richer you
Experts argue that mindful people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic, and more secure. They have higher self-esteem and are more accepting of their own weaknesses.>>

5 steps to take if you’re struggling with rent
Unfortunately, many young people are worried about rent payments or already struggling. The National Debt Helpline offer us 5 steps to take if you’re struggling with rent.>>

There’s no secret to success
Legends teach us lessons such as having the guts to get in the arena and have a go. Peter Switzer tells us the secret of success is that it’s not really a secret.>>

Insure your most valuable asset: yourself
We insure our cars, homes and pets, but what about personal insurance? Ben Johnston gives us the tips and traps when it comes to our personal insurance.>>

How female small business owners are coping with coronavirus
Small Business Women Australia ran a survey with their female community, asking women in business their views on operating business during coronavirus lockdown. We spoke to founder Amanda Rose.>>

Focussing on the good
Peter Switzer tells us why he believes that you can achieve more as a positive person when you stop focussing on the negative.>>

Peter Switzer’s 6 Credit Card Tips
To be money savvy, not wanting to be ripped off and by wanting to end up wealthier over time, you can’t be sucked into the credit card illusion. Peter Switzer gives us his 6 tips on using credit cards sensibly.>>

The mind tricks that make you spend more
When it comes to spending your hard-earned funds, there are a lot of tricks your brain can play on you to convince you to sway from your budget. We’ve listed 3 of them.>>